Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society and friends
Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society and friends
Aqui se plasman algunas figuras importantes y algunos lugares importantes de la psiquiatria de Puerto Rico.
Glorisa Canino
Glorisa Canino 
Dr. Glorisa Canino holds a Ph.D. in psychology from Temple University. Currently she is Director of the Behavioral Sciences Research Institute at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, as well as a consultant for the Administration of Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services of Puerto Rico. "She has demonstrated an outstanding and continued record of contributing to research focusing on the impact that culture has on the development, prevalence, and course of psychiatric disorders." Her most recent projects include the Latino Research Program Project and the National Latino and Asian American Study. She served as Principal Investigator for the projects "Service Use, Need, and Outcomes in Puerto Rican Children" and "Translation and Adaptation into Spanish of the CAPA." Dr. Canino's research has led to multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals, and she has presented her work at numerous national and international scientific meetings. Dr. Canino is a member of several organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the American Psychopathology Association, and the Hispanic Psychological Association, as well as a Board member of the Robert Stolberg Acosta Foundation for Cultural Affairs and the Violeta Martinez Foundation and a reviewer for the Journal of Mental Health Services and the Journal of Addictions. "Her work in Puerto Rico and the United States has increased the understanding of the prevalence of substance abuse disorder in the Hispanic population and has highlighted the impact that culture has on the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders."