Executive Committee elected for May 2015 to May 2017
President: Brenda Matos, MD
President elect: William Julio, MD
Vicepresident: Vilma McCarthy, MD
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: Jorge Gonzalez Barreto,MD
Rep to the APA Assembly: Michel Woodbury, MD
Alternate Rep to the Assembly: Sarah Huertas, MD
Other officers:
Dra. Lelis Nazario, Vocal
Dra. Ana Torres, Vocal
Dra. Nuria Sabaté, Vocal
Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society members cast their votes .
These are the elected Executive Commitee or Officers from May 2013 to May 2015:
President: Ingrid Alicea Berrios, MD
President elect: Brenda Matos, MD
Vicepresident: William Julio, MD
Secretary: Nestor J Galarza Diaz, MD
Treasurer: Jorge Gonzalez Barreto,MD
Representative to the Assembly: Michel Woodbury, MD
Alternate Rep to the Assembly: Lelis Nazario, MD
Other officers:
Luis A Franco, MD
Ana Torres Martin, MD
Vilma McCarthy, MD
Executive commitee 2011-2013
The canvassing board consisting of Dr. Ramon Parrilla and Dr. Javier Santos reported to the board on the night of June 18, 2011 the following results. Those who voted by mail was less than 20% of the members. Several ballots were returned by the post office. These are the psychiatrists who make up the new board of this organization.
President: Michel Woodbury Fariña
President-elect: Ingrid Alicea
Vice-President: Brenda Matos
Secretary: Nestor J Galarza
Treasurer: William Julio
Representative to the Assembly: Lelis Nazario
Alternate representative: Sara Huertas
other officers:
Vilma McCarthy
Ingrid Casas
Maria Sanchez
Executive Commitee 2009-2011
President: Ingrid Alicea, MD
Inmediate Past President: Carlos G Diaz, MD
President elect: Michel Woodbury, MD
Vice President: vacant
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: Maria Sanchez Bonilla, MD
Representetive to the Assembly: Jorge Gonzalez Barreto, MD
Victor Llado, MD
Ileana Fumero
Mercedes Rodríguez, MD
Vilma McCarthy, MD
Board of Officers 2007-2009
Election results
On 20 March 2007 the Committee of Tellers announced the following election results:
President: Nestor J Galarza, MD
The committee of Tellers reported no irregularities, no write-ins and two ballots with no votes. There were no positive nor negative messages written on the numbered mailed paper ballots.
Members of the Committee of Tellers were Victor Torano,MD, Lelis Nazario, MD, Michael Inesta, MD y Alexis Torres, MD.
Board of Officers 2005-2007
President: Nestor J Galarza,MD
Board 2004-2005
May 2002 to May 2004
President: Osvaldo Caro,MD
May 2000 to 2002
Vice president: Michel Woodbury, MD
President elect:Carlos G Diaz, MD
Treasurer: Vilma McCarthy, MD
Secretary: Ingrid Alicea, MD
Rep to the Assembly: Jorge Gonzalez Barreto, MD
Alternate Rep: Sarah Huertas, MD
other officers:
Maria Sanchez Bonilla, MD
Alberto Varela, MD
Ramses Normandia, MD
Jose Vazquez Sotomayor, MD
President elect: vacant
Vice President:Jorge Gonzalez Barreto,MD
Secretary:Brenda Matos,MD
Treasurer: Vilma McCarthy,MD
Rep top the Assembly:Luis E Canepa,MD
Deputy Rep to the Assembly:Victor Sierra, MD
Other officers:
Diana Diaz,MD
Arlene Rivera Mas,MD
Ingrid Alicea,MD
President: Luis Enrique Canepa,MD
President elect: Luis Enrique Canepa,MD
VIce president: Diana Diaz,MD
Representative to the APA Assembly:Ernesto Frontera, MD
Alternate Rep:Sarah E. Huertas,MD
Secretary: Vilma Mc Carthy, MD
Treasurer: Jose Agosto, MD
Other officers: Roberto Norniella, MD
Jorge Gonzalez, MD
Brenda Matos,MD
May 1998 to May 2000
President: Nestor J Galarza, MD
President elect: Sarah Huertas, MD
Vice President: Erick Santos, MD
Secretary: Arnaldo Cruz Igartua, MD
Treasurer: Jose Agosto, MD
Representative to the Assembly: Carlos Caban, MD
Other officers: Neftali Olmo, MD
Allan del Castillo, MD
Angela Diaz, MD