These activities have been sponsored, otherwise supported or carried out in collaboration with one of more of the following organizations:
April 1996
Project SOMOS begins for public education
May 1996
Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New York, New York
September 1996
Psychiatric Convention of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
ESCUCHAME's first issue is published and delivered to psychiatrists' offices.
October 1996
Proclamation: October Mental Disorders Awareness Month
Depression Screening Day
Seminar on Mental Illnesses for the Press
November 1996
Symposium on Justice and Mental Health
Meeting of the APA Assembly, Washington, D.C.
Counseling to families of the explosion victims at the Rio Piedras Disaster
December 1996
Convention of the Latino American Psychiatric Association
Christmas reunion with PRAM patientsI
PRPS does not rest. Here is a sample of 1997 activities:
SOMOS Continuous radio project at KVM
January 1997
Puerto Rico Psychiatric Association enters Cyberspace with a webpage in the Internet
February 1997
Joseph Lichtenberg visits the commitee on Psychotherapies
April 1997
Federal Legislative Institute from 6 to 9 April, Washington, D.C.
Symposium on the Medicalization of Drugs, Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico
May 1997
Commitee on Governmental Issues colaborates in the revision of the Mental Health Law of Puerto Rico.
President elect gives Seminar on psychopathology, diagnoses and referral of patients to care. PR College of Optometrists, Sponsored by PR Alliance for the Mentally Ill and PR Psychiatric Society, May 13.
Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association,
San Diego, California
June 1997
President elect gives lecture on the Modern management of the patient with alcoholism. MEPSI Center, June 7.
Dr. Parrilla, President of the PR Psychiatric Society participates on a panel on the "Medico-legal Responsibilities of the Primary Care Physician on the care of Patients with Mental Disorders" at the Extraordinary Meeting of the PR College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, June 20-21.
July 1997
President elect attends the Convention of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill in Albuquerque, NM, July 9-13.
August 1997
The Board meets about consulting the APA, 4 August.
The Organizing Committee works towards the Annual Convention, 5 August.
Organizing Commitee meets again on 25 August.
September 1997
Annual Convention of Puerto Rican Psychiatry. 19, 20, 21 September
Topics: Forensic Psychiatry Up-to-date, Affective, Anxiety and Psychotic Disorders,
Treatment of the patient with drug and alcohol dependence,
Psychiatry in collaboration with other specialties, Delivery of psychiatric services today.
October 1997
Mental Illness Awareness Month
Consultation with the national APA, First Hospital Panamericano, October 3, 1997, 8:30AM
General Meeting of the PR Psychiatric Society, First Hospital Panamericano, October 3, 1997, 1:30PM
November 1 - 2, 1997
"Meeting of the Minds" at the Westin Rio Mar: Educational Project SOMOS. Pfizer makes educational grant to the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society
November 6, 1997
The President of NAMI-Puerto Rico and the President Elect of the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society met with the Administrator of ASSMCA to demand that mentally ill patients do not suffer by loss of resources at mental health centers in the wake of the ongoing shift from governmental delivery to privatized delivery of services.
December 2, 1997
The President Elect and the President NAMI-Puerto Rico met with the Medical Director of Options to advocate for patients in the wake of the decision of this managed care company to regulating access of patients to modern psychiatric medications in its formulary. Pre-authorization by Options will be required before a psychiatrist prescribes certain medications.
The President Elect recommended a Series of Dialogues between Providers and Medical advisors of the various managed care organizations. Defficient communication lies a the bottom of defficient decisions that may harm patient care.
December 7, 1997
Fiesta Jibara for the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society.
February 19, 1998
Dialogue with Dr. Rodrigo Munoz about "New forms of payment" at Tropimar Covention Center, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.
February 21, 1998
Working breakfast with consultants Dr. Lederer and Lister during the Annual Meeting of the American College of Psychiatrists at Westin Rio Mar, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
February 22, 1998
Working breakfast on the topic of malpractice and life insurance sponsored by the APA, during the Annual Meeting of the ACP at Westin Rio Mar, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
February 26 to March 1, 1998
The President-Elect of the PR Psychiatric Society attended the APA's Joint Legislative and Public Affairs Institute, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. .
April 17, 1998
We celebrated the Quality Summit of the Society with the participation of consultants Drs. Eric Lister and Lloyd Sederer and respectable leaders from the private industry, psychiatric hospitals, health insurance companies, ASSMCA, patient advocate organizations, etc. Dr. Galarza will be writing a Consensus Report as it developed on the topic of quality in mental health care at this activity.
May 16, 1998
New Board of Directors of the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society takes office.
29 May to 4 June 1998
Annual Convention of the American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Canada. Also first assembly of PR Psych Society members under the new Board. At this meeting we obtained 50 signatures to endorse Bill 1140 of the PR Senate that will end discrimination against the mentally ill in health insurance coverage, our Parity Bill.
24 June 1998
10:00 AM Press Conference on Violence associated the the strike against the PR Telephone Company. Joint effort with the PR Psychologists Association and the College of Social Workers and the Occupational Therapy Association.
Interview at Esta Noche con Ojeda, WKAQ Radio on the topic of violence associated to the strike. In collaboration with the PR Psychologists Association
30 June de 1998
Meeting with NAMI Puerto Rico Board of Directors.PRPS president is one of 11 Board members of NAMI.
3 July1998
2:00PM Radio program in La Gran Cadena with Nacha Rivera on the topic of depressiona and other possible emotional effects of the PR Telephone Company strike on individuals.
7 July 1998
First meeting of the PRPS Board. It was decided to have a Press Conference to support a Referendum in Puerto Rico about the sale of the PR Telephone Company and to request that the mediation in the conflict.
10 July 1998
Press Conference in support of mediation by Dialogo Ecumenico de Reconciliacion Nacional (a well known religious coalition) and by Iniciativa Ciudadana (a new group that gathers signatures for a referendum) in this conflict. Present: Dra. Sarah Huertas, Pres Elect, Dr. Jose Nunez Lopez, pres. By-Laws Commitee and Dr. Nestor J. Galarza.
13 July de 1998
Phone interview by WKAQ's Carmen Jovet on the conflict and its impact on people. .
17 July 1998
Meeting of the Task Force on Quality Standards on services to drug dependent patients at ASSMCA 9:00AM - 2:00PM.
28 July 1998
In appreciation of Dr. Victor Bernal y del Rio by NAMI Puerto Rico and the APA of Puerto Rico. San Juan Hotel and Casino.
31 july 1998
Training to Pfizer staff on the varius faces of depression at the Zipperle Restaurant.
20 August 1998
Attendance as observer to the Options Pharmacy Commitee at the Zipperle Restaurant.
10 September 1998
Meeting at the House of Representatives about Proyect 1140, Parity for Mental Health Patients: Dra. Haydee Costa y Dra. Maria Sanchez Bonilla attended.
Meeting with Dr. Roberto Rosso, at La Fortaleza: Dr. Galarza y Dr. Parrilla on the subject of the Mental Health Law Proyect and Proyect 1140.
15 September 1998
Meeting of the Nominations Commitee of the Academia de Psiquiatria.
19 September 1998
Participation of Dr. Parrilla and Dr. Galarza with Dr. Pascual Merlos radio program WEUC on the montly magazine Cambio Positivo and on recommendations to citizens on the approaching Hurricane Georges.
28 september 1998
Radio program, 11Q on the positive aspects of Hurricane Georges. The Hurricane beat Puerto Rico up on 21 September.
5 October 1998
Participation in the reading of the Mental Health Month activity by the Secretary of Health.
5 and 6 October 1998
Drs. Galarza and Cruz Igartua talk on the topic of Alcoholis and addictions to other substances at NAMI's Mental Health Congress at the Mariott Hotel, Condado, PR.
7 October 1998
Meeting at Arteaga y Arteaga with Wyeth-Ayerst on a proposal for a joint weekly radio program with NAMI Puerto Rico.
11 October 1998
With FEMA y ASSMCA staff Dr. Galarza visits 84 refugees of Hurricane Georges at the Cuerpo de Voluntarios at Orocovis.
18 October 1998
Visit to over 60 refugees in Ybarra School and another school of Indiera Fria in the town of Maricao, in the west of the island, with FEMA, Department of Health and ASSCMA staff
21 October 1998
The President of the PR Psychiatric Society speaks to parents of students about the topic of depression and the effects of Hurricane Georges.
5 November 1998
The President lectures on Mental Health in Puerto Rico and managed care at the 21st Transcultural Seminar of the Black Psychiatrists of America, at the San Juan Grand Beach and Resort Hotel.
12-15 November 1998
Conjoint Psychiatric Meeting 1998: Academy of Psychiatry, Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society (APA), Psychiatry Section of the Puerto Rico Medical Association, Puerto Rican Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. An intellectual treat and the most cordial and harmonious human relations activity in history of Psychiatry in Puerto Rico
20 November 1998
PRPS president lectures on the "Collaboration of psychiatrists and psychologists in the management of patients with clinical depression", at the 45th Annual meeting of the Puerto Rico Psychogists Association, Hilton Hotel, Ponce, PR.
3-6 December 1998
Winter Meeting of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, San Juan Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico and Joint Meeting with the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society.
January 1999
The President discusses Internet Addiction and Cybesex in the WAPA TV program Tres al Dia.
19 February 1999
Workshop at ASSMCA on Standards for Evaluation for patients with substance abuse. Drs. Erick Santos and Galarza.>
22 February 1999
The weekly radio program in NOTIUNO begins: "Con tu salud en mente". Drs. Arnaldo Cruz Igartua y Galarza on the topic of what a psychiatrist is and what does he do.
23 February 1999
Conference at Veterans Hospital on The Depressed Patient that drinks, smokes and plays. Dr. Galarza.
25 February 1999
Ethics Commitee Meeting on a patient's complaint.
1 March 1999
Meeting with NAMI.
Second weekly program at NotiUNO: Con su Salud en Mente: on alcoholism. Dr. Cruz-Igartua.
3 March 1999
Conjoint meeting with the Academy of Psychiatry and Triple S.
6 March 1999
Workshop on HB 2259 for a Mental Health Law for Puerto Rico.
7 March 1999
Meeting with Secretary of Health about HB 2259.
12 March 1999
Workshop at ASMMCA about Standards for Evaluation of patients with substance abuse. Santos and Galarza.
15 de March 1999
Radio Program "Con tu salud en mente" on the Addictions. Dr. Arnaldo Cruz Igartua y Galarza
17 and 18 March 1999
Two conferences on "Smoking or not smoking: that is the question" by Dr. Galarza at Windham Hotel
21 March 1999
TV Program, channel 6, on Smoking and its treatment, MD TV, Dr. Galarza.
22 March 1999
Weekly radio program NotiUno: on the Mental Health Law Bill: Dr. Maria Sanchez Bonilla, Silvia Arias and Dr. Galarza.
23 March 1999
Declaration at Hearings on HB 2259 with the Academy of Psychiatry.
29 March 1999
Weekly radio program NotiUno: Con tu salud en mente: on aging by Dr. Maria Sanchez Bonilla.
5 april 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Nestor J Galarza, Natural disasters and those produced by man
12 abril de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr.Jesus Saavedra, Development and education of the adolescent.
19 abril de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Ramon Parrilla, Sex from the point of view of the psychiatrist.
26 abril de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Carlos Caban, Dementias in the senium.
3 de mayo de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Jose Luis Lopez, Different faces of depression
10 mayo de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Arnaldo Cruz Igartua, Psychiatrists and psychologists: similarities and differences.
17 mayo de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Nestor J Galarza, Modern treatments in Psychiatry.
24 mayo de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Arnaldo Cruz Igartua, Addiction to cocaine, etc.
31 mayo de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente,Dra. Sarah Huertas, Conduct disorders in children
7 junio de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, Dr. Osvaldo Caro, The family of the patient with anxiety disorder
6 August 1999
Meeting with the Mental Health Coalition at Rest. Los Chavales, Hato Rey, PR. about House Bill 2259 for a new Mental Health Law,with NAMI PR, the Psychological Association, the Civil Rights Commission, private hospitals, College of Pharmacists, San Juan City Health Department, etc.
8 August 1999
"Impact and primary care physician evaluation using PrimeMD of the most common mental disorders" talk by Nestor J Galarza,M.D., at the Hotel Convento, San Juan, PR.
9 August de 1999
Con tu Salud en Mente, radio program with Haydee Costa, M.D. and Silvia Arias, You and the new Mental Health Law Project
16 August 1999
Medication and drugs for you mental health, radio program with Dr. Arnaldo Cruz Igartua.
23 August 1999
Caring for you pets is healthy. Radio program with Dr. Neftali Olmo and Dr. Nestor J Galarza
30 August 1999
Your health insurance. Radio program with Dr. Sarah Huertas and Dr. Carlos Perez Cortez
5 September 1999
Dr. Nestor J Galarza speaks about management of patients with nicotine dependence at the Convention of the Association of Physicians of the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.
6 September 1999
Silvia Arias and Haydee Costa rehash about the Mental Health Law Project(recorded)
13 September 1999
Dr. Nestor J Galarza discusses Nicotine Addiction, part II
7 October 1999
Celebrating Mental Health lMonth in Puerto Rico, the interdisciplinary mental health team in the Veterans Hospital held a Screening and orientation for some mental illnesses such as depression, alcoholism, nicotine dependence, PTSD and pathological gambling at the lobby of the Veterans Hospital.
14 October 1999
Three mental health staff from the Veterans Hospital speak on the Mental Health of the family for three hours at the WKAQ radio program "Mesa Redonda". These were Nestor J Galarza, Sonia Adrover, MSW and Margarita Caban, social work student
18 October 1999
Con tu salud en mente: Ileana Vazquez Borrero, M.D. discusses Anorexia and bulimia
nervosa, NotiUno.
25 October 1999
Con tu salud en mente: Osvaldo Caro, M.D. discusses General Anxiety Disorder in Notiuno.
1 November 1999
Con tu salud en mente, Alberto Varela, M.D.tells all about psychoanalysis and the modern world
8 November 1999
Con tu salud en mente Erick Santos, M.D., speaks on treatment for addictions
15 November 1999
Con tu salud en mente Arnaldo Cruz Igartua, M.D. talks about pseudo science and psychiatry, second edition
22 November 1999
Con tu salud en mente, Edgardo Prieto, M.D discusses schizophrenia and what to do about it
29 November 1999
con tu salud en mente Maria Sanchez Bonilla, M.D. speaks about Christmas blues and aging
December 1999
5 December 1999
Christmas party of the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society
6 December 1999
Con tu salud en mente Jose Agosto, M.D.asks whether you really suffer from bipolar disorder?
13 December1999
20 December 1999
Christmas blues and the aging: Maria Sanchez Bonilla, M.D.
27 December1999
Panic Disorder, revisited: Alan del Castillo, M.D.
3 January 2000
Con tu salud en mente: The New Year and children's mental health: Sarah Huertas,M.D., and Isabel Rodriguez, M.D.
10 January 2000
Con tu salud en mente: Psychological Dependence: Neftali Olmo, M.D.
May 2000
Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
26 August 2000
New Board takes over at the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society.
14 September 2000
The new President of the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society, Sarah E Huertas, M.D. leads
a press conference on the mental health proyect, near its proposed pass
date by the legislature.
16 september 2000
The Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society joins other professional mental health organizations in
the publication in El Nuevo Dia of an Alert on the Mental Health Bill about to be approved by the Legislature.
20 September 2000
Dr. Sarah E Huertas discusses in the radio Program "Ojeda Sin Limite", the defficiency
on the subject of
substance abuse in the Legislature's approved Mental Health Bill for Puerto Rico.
19 October 2000
The Ethics Committee presented a conference on "Bioethics and
= psychoethics" by Commitee President, Ernesto Frontera, M.D. and
"Moral reasoning and Case
Analysis" in Psychiatry by Jose Rafael Echevarría, Ph.D.
November 30 to 3 December 2000
The Puerto Rico Psychiatry Annual Meeting was held with
21.5 hours CME and professors from Harvard Medical School at the
Westin Rio Mar Beach Hotel
May 17, 2001
Meeting of the President with the Economic Counsel of the Governess of Puerto Rico, the President of the Academy of Psychiatry, Director of ASSMCA and the Secretary of Health to discuss changes in mental health services in the island.
May 30, 2001
Press confefence as part of the Convergence Commitee to make recommendations to improve mental health care in Puerto Rico.
June 1, 2001
Meeting at Triple S about plans of this largest health insurance company in Puerto Rico to discuss topics like mental health patient confidentiality.
November 21-24, 2002
The Academy of Psychiatry, the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society (APA), the Psychiatry Section of the Puerto Rico Medical Association and the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists had their joint Grand Annual Meeting at the El Dorado Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico.
Annual Psychiatry Convention with the Academy of Puerto Rico. November
Elecciones de nueva electiva. 22 de Febrero
Postura oficial sobre la Pena de Muerte en Puerto Rico. 2 april 2005.
APA Annual Meeting Sat 21-May-2005
Visita a siquiatras del Oeste Wed 25-May-2005
24ta Asamblea Anual Asociacion Calidad en Salud de Puerto Rico Thu 26-May-2005
CONFERENCIA DE PRENSA Fri 3-Jun-2005 at 10:00am until 12:00pm
Tercer Diplomado Hipnosis Terapeutica Sat 25-Jun-2005 at 8:00am until 5:00pm
Retiro Academia Psiquiatria Sat 9-Jul-2005
Psychiatric Resident Reunion Fri 22-Jul-2005
APA Board of Trustees meeting Sat 30-Jul-2005
Junta Directiva Academia de Psiquiatria Tue 9-Aug-2005
PRPS Board meeting Tue 16-Aug-2005
Llado: Suicidalidad: Evaluacion de Peligrosidad, Prevencion.Sat 27-Aug-2005
2005 Fall Component Meeting Thu 8-Sep-2005
Convencion Psiquiatras del Puerto Rico Inst of Psychiatry Fri 9-Sep-2005
Reunion Driectiva Academia de Psiquiatria Tue 13-Sep-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Que es salud mental? Mon 19-Sep-2005
PRPS BOARD meeting Tue 20-Sep-2005
Presentacion del Libro Drogas y Democracia en America Latina Thu 22-Sep-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Salud, Arte y Musica Mon 26-Sep-2005
Proclama del mes de la salud mental Fri 30-Sep-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Prevencion de enfermedades mentales Mon 3-Oct-2005
Reunion Division Psiquiatria Colegio de Medicos de Puerto Ri Tue 4-Oct-2005
Reunion Division Psiquiatria Colegio de Medicos de PR Tue 4-Oct-2005
2005 Institute on Psychiatric Services Wed 5-Oct-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Deberes y Responsabilidades del paciente Mon 10-Oct-2005
Reunion Directiva Academia Psiquiatria Tue 11-Oct-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Las distintas caras de la depresion Mon 17-Oct-2005
Reunion Directiva APA de PR Tue 18-Oct-2005
Comision Derechos Civiles invita a discutir transexualismo Wed 19-Oct-2005
Kaleidoscopia de la Salud Mental Thu 20-Oct-2005
Con tu salud en mente: La violencia en los medios Mon 24-Oct-2005
HIV-Interfase con Salud Mental Sat 29-Oct-2005
Con tu salud en mente: El miedo y la angustia Mon 31-Oct-2005
Reunion Depto Psiquiatria Colegio Medicos Tue 1-Nov-2005
Reflexion y trasformacion social Fri 4-Nov-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Calidad del tratamiento psiquiatrico Mon 7-Nov-2005
APA Area V meeting Wed 9-Nov-2005
Area V Council media training Wed 9-Nov-2005
Convencion de Psiquiatria de Puerto Rico Thu 10-Nov-2005
APA Assembly Meeting Thu 10-Nov-2005
Con tu salud en mente: El equipo terapeutico Mon 14-Nov-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Las psicosis Mon 21-Nov-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Estres post trauma Mon 28-Nov-2005
Reunion APA de Puerto Rico Tue 29-Nov-2005
Reunion y cena con Senadoras de Puerto Rico Tue 29-Nov-2005
Fiesta de Navidad de la APA Sun 4-Dec-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Responsabilidad criminal del paciente Mon 5-Dec-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Las demencias Mon 12-Dec-2005
Con tu salud en mente: Identificacion sexual y Desviaciones sexuales Mon 19-Dec-2005
Reception Winter Institute Sun 8-Jan-2006
Public Health and Society:The Caribbean and U.S. Connection Mon 9-Jan-2006
Reunion Academia de Psiquiatria Tue 10-Jan-2006
Reunion Directiva de la APA de Puerto Rico Tue 17-Jan-2006
Reunion sobre Ley de Salud Mental Tue 7-Feb-2006 at 9:00am
Lo ultimo sobre antipsicoticos atipicos Thu 23-Feb-2006 at 6:30pm
WPA-APAL Meeting Caracas 2006 Thu 23-Mar-2006
APA Assembly 2006 Fri 19-May-2006
2006 APA Annual Meeting
Congreso APAL 2006 Wed 1-Nov-2006
January 2007
PR Psychiatric Society Exective Commitee Meeting Tue 16-Jan-2007
Grupo Estudios psicoanaliticos Sat 27-Jan-2007 at 9:00am
Estudios Psicoanalítico Interdisciplinario de PR, sábado 27 de enero del 2007 9am
Edificio Barat Norte de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
February 2007
Election of officers Puerto Rico Psychiatric society Tue 20-Feb-2007
Long Term Utilization of Anti-Psychotics Thu 22-Feb-2007 at 6:00pm
Gala Dinner Colloquium
Long Term Utilization of Anti-Psychotics:
Cutting Edge Pearls of Wisdom on Indications and Benefits vs. Risks and Complications
Alan Mendelowitz from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Modelo innovador psicoanalitico Wed 28-Feb-2007 at 6:00pm until 9:00pm
The Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society, a chapter of the American Psychiatric Association
sponsored the Seminar Innovative Model for Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychoses
by Clinic 388 Quebec, Canada on February 28, 2007 at the auditorium of the University of
Puerto Rico School of Medicine.
The Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society was the most important grantor to cover the costs of this important activity. The seminar discussed the integration of different modalities of care and the cost effectiveness of this treatment model.
March 2007
Board Meeting: Psych Chapter Colegio Medicos Cirujanos Tue 6-Mar-2007 at 7:00pm
VAMOS A CRECER Sun 11-Mar-2007
Por radio isla 1320 desde su casa o automobil y por la internet en
Board Meeting: Academia de Psiquiatria de Puerto Rico Mon 12-Mar-2007 at 6:00pm
Meeting Psychoanalytic Study Group Sat 17-Mar-2007 at 9:00am
Board meeting: PR Psych Society Tue 20-Mar-2007 at 6:00pm
# Toma de Posesion Nueva Directiva APA de Puerto Rico Wed 18-Apr-2007 at 6:00pm until 9:00pm
# Reunion: Academia de Psiquiatria de Puerto Rico Mon 14-May-2007 at 7:00pm
# reunion: Capitulo de PR Asociacion Psiquiatrica Americana Tue 15-May-2007 at 7:00pm
5ta Subasta de Arte de Iniciativa Comunitaria Wed 16-May-2007 at 6:30pm
Asamblea Extraordinaria Consejo Disciplinas Medicas Sun 3-Jun-2007 at 9:30am
Reunion Academia Psiquiatria Mon 4-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
Reunion: Capitulo Psiquiatria del Colegio de Medicos Tue 5-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
. Reunion, Academia de Psiquiatria Wed 6-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
. curso psiquiatria forense Sun 10-Jun-2007 at 9:00am
Reunion, Academia de Psiquiatria Mon 11-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
. PRPS reimbursment commitee Sat 16-Jun-2007 at 1:00pm
Pospuesta: reunion APA de Puerto Rico Tue 19-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
PRPS legislation commitee Wed 20-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
Academia Psiquiatria Thu 21-Jun-2007 at 7:00pm
Ponencias de Agencias Gubernamentales Fri
20-Jul-2007 at 9:30am
PR Psych Society exec committee meeting Tue 24-Jul-2007 at 7:00pm
Ponencia de la APA de PR Tue 31-Jul-2007 at 2:00PM
reunion Academia Psiquiatria Mon 6-Aug-2007 at 7:00pm
reunion Cap Psiq Colegio Medicos Tue 7-Aug-2007 at 7:00pm
PR Psych Society meeting Tue 21-Aug-2007 at 7:00pm
3rd Public hearings Mental Health law Tue 21-Aug-2007 at 9:30pm
Suicide Prevention Week Sat 1-Sep-2007
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month Sat 1-Sep-2007
Suicide Prevention and Recovery Week at the VA Caribbean Healthcare System Mon 10-Sep-2007 at 8:00pm
PRPS Health Plans Committee meets Sat 15-Sep-2007 at 1:00pm
PRPS legislative committee meets Sat 15-Sep-2007 at 5:00pm
PRPS executive committee meets Tue 18-Sep-2007 at 7:00pm
Puerto Rico Psychiatric leaders meet Thu 27-Sep-2007 at 7:00pm
First ethnopsychiatry symposium Sat 13-Oct-2007 at 9:00am
APA Assembly Fri 2-Nov-2007
VISN 8 LRC meeting Thu 29-Nov-2007
Reunion lideres organizaciones psiquiatricas Mon 18-Aug-2008
Conferencia Magistral Goldman, Recinto de Ciencias Medicas UPR Thu 21-Aug-2008 at 3:00pm
Convencion Academia de la Psiquiatria 2008 Fri 12-Sep-2008
Premio Eugenio Maria de Hostos de la APA Sun 14-Sep-2008
Celebramos 50 años del Departamento de Psiquiatria UP Fri 3-Oct-2008
Convencion anual Asociacion de Hospitales Thu 16-Oct-2008
Quinta reunion Lideres organizaciones psiquiatricas Mon 27-Oct 2008
Convencion y Asamblea del Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos Fri 7-Nov-2008
Reunion APA de Puerto Rico Tue 18-Nov-2008 at 7:00pm
Comite Salud Mental CMCPR Tue 25-Nov-2008 at 7:00pm
Get together lideres de la Psiquiatria Thu 4-Dec-2008
APA PR executive commitee meeting Thu 18-Dec-2008
Reunion Comite Salud Mental Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos Tue 27-Jan-2009
Elecciones APA Nacional Thu 5-Feb-2009
Comite de Salud Mental del Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos Tue 24-Feb-2009
Reunion Directiva Academia de Psiquiatria de Puerto Rico Mon 9-Mar-2009
Directiva APA Sat 14-Mar-2009 at 1:30pm
Elecciones APA de Puerto Rico Sun 15-Mar-2009
Reunion Lideres Organizaciones Psiquiatricas de PR Thu 19-Mar-2009
Reunion Intersectorial para plan de contingencia Tue 21-Apr-2009
Comite Salud Mental Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos Sat 16-May-2009
Reunion Lideres organizaciones psiquiatricas Thu 1-Oct-2009
Convencion Academia de Psiquiatria Fri 6-Nov-2009
Convencion del Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico Sun 6-Dec-2009
Elecciones Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos Sun 21-Mar-2010
Schizophrenia 2010 Sat 17-Apr-2010
A symposium of the Latest in Assessment and Interventions Sat 24-Apr-2010
Segundo Congreso de Geropsiquiatria de la APA de PR Sat 12-Jun-2010
Workshop on Bipolar disorder: improving diagnostic skills Sat 14-May-2011
Asamblea de la Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society Sat 1-Oct-2011
October: mental health month in Puerto Rico Sat 1-Oct-2011
Third Geropsychiatry Symposium Sat 8-Oct-2011
APA Assembly Fri 18-Nov-2011